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Generations from now, they won't call it the Internet anymore. They'll just say, "I logged on to the Jim Groom this morning.
-Joe McMahon
Everything Jim Groom touches is gold. He's like King Midas, but with the Internet.
-Serena Epstein
My understanding is that an essential requirement of the internet is to do whatever Jim Groom asks of you while you're online.
-James D. Calder
@jimgroom is the Billy Martin of edtech.
-Luke Waltzer
My 3yr old son is VERY intrigued by @jimgroom's avatar. "Is he a superhero?" "Well, yes, son, to many he is."
-Clint Lalonde
Jim Groom is a fiery man.
-Antonella Dalla Torre
“Reverend” Jim “The Bava” Groom, alias “Snake Pliskin” is a charlatan and a fraud, a self-confessed “used car salesman” clawing his way into the glamour of the education technology keynote circuit via the efforts of his oppressed minions at the University of Mary Washington’s DTLT and beyond. The monster behind educational time-sink ds106 and still recovering from his bid for hipster stardom with “Edupunk”, Jim spends his days using his dwindling credibility to sell cheap webhosting to gullible undergraduates and getting banned from YouTube for gross piracy.
I am Jim Groom
Find out more about me here.
Recent comments
- Reverend on Noir Chopper
- Reverend on Mapping My Bathroom Tile
- Alan Levine on Noir Chopper
- Alan Levine on Mapping My Bathroom Tile
- Reverend on The Automated Dark Side of ds106: Tech Noir
- Blog blog blog 2024 – CogDogBlog on Blog OR DIE!
- Alan Levine on The Automated Dark Side of ds106: Tech Noir
- Alan Levine on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Reverend on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Mark Corbett Wilson on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Alan Levine on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Reverend on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Alan Levine on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Reverend on Mission Accomplished
- Tim Owens on Mission Accomplished
Recent Posts
- Noir Chopper
- Mapping My Bathroom Tile
- The Automated Dark Side of ds106: Tech Noir
- The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Mission Accomplished
- At Close Range: Like Father. Like Son. Like Hell?
- bavacade Update: 1-5-2025
- Archiving 20 Years of the bava
- Be More Bea
- More Retrogaming Fun with Batocera
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Category Archives: television
Dreaming of an Open Source ReclaimTV
After my chat with Taylor about open source media ecosystems I was inspired return to the work we did around the TV metaphor for OERxDomains21 in terms of community programming. But rather than relaying on YouTube for both streaming and … Continue reading
VHS Quality Streaming at Reclaim Video
So the experiments continue at Reclaim Video with making this a fully functional, web-based VHS store. It is non-sensical, but that is kind of the point. We heard that streaming might be all the rage i the future, so we … Continue reading
And All Through the House
I started watching the first few Tales from the Crypt episodes over break, and while it’s uneven, there are some crazy ass episodes. For example, the second episode of season 1, “All Through the House,” which aired on June 10, 1989, and … Continue reading
Wire 106: S03E01 “Time After Time”
This week Wire 106 has been a bit hectic between my being away in NYC and then getting sick on my return. Which was further complicated by the fact we are now starting a two week odyssey into radio shows straddled … Continue reading
A Serling Vision of Faith
I was catching up on my RSS feeds last night when I came across this gem from Rod Serling via John Kenneth Muir—who is one hell of a b-culture blogger. I think the destiny of all men is not to sit … Continue reading
Freaks and Geeks: Discos and Dragons
I happened to stumble across Freaks and Geeks for the first time in more than eight years the other night, and I immediately was reminded of how sad I was this series got cut after one season. Such a cool … Continue reading
Summer of Love: The Village map
I love that I’ve consistently been able to find and download a map of The Village from the 1960s TV series The Prisoner since 1995.
“In accordance with university policy…”
Continuing on my Treme theme, there is another rant by Creighton Bernette inspired by a memo from Tulane University announcing the cutting of the Computer Science department as well as various Engineering departments. What follows is a great rant on … Continue reading
Thinking about Treme or: Creighton Bernette’s YouTube Rant
So, I have been religiously watching the first four episodes of Treme. I’m a bit conflicted about the series overall so far. There is a lot to like so far, but also a lot that leaves me kinda wondering why … Continue reading
Maybe Mr. T’s pretty handy with computers
What’s not to love about Mr. T? And given I am now cable-enabled, I am catching the Mr. T World of Warcraft commercials, and I can’t help but love this bit. I am gonna have to use this. Keep in … Continue reading